If you suffer from dry, tight, sometimes irritated skin - you're not alone. Up to 60% of the population will experience some form of dryness with their skin in their lifetime, and a lot of us (especially in Ireland) are plagued with dry skin due to our weather and climate. Particularly coming into the Autumn/Winter months, most of us - even those with oilier skin types - will experience some form of dryness due to a phenomenon known as "Winter Skin Syndrome". This occurs due to the air getting colder, the increase in the use of central heating and taking hotter showers - all of these are factors that exacerbate dry skin problems, meaning that most of us have to switch up our skin routines to increase the amount of hydration we are getting into the skin during these colder seasons. Dry skin can feel tight, itchy, flaky, sore and...
Laura O Gorman
Aug 29, 2019